Ferg's Cave
• cartoons • games • artwork & heartwork •

Collaboration is the Way
Welcome to my lair. Here you'll find my collection of stories, tabletop games, and professional artwork. Since I often have several projects in progress, this is a neat way to show off whenever someone asks "What's new?"Who am I?• • •As an Animation Artist I specialize in classic cartoon gags and expressive acting. If this sounds like your production, I'd love to join the crew.As a Mentor with fifteen years of experience in the animation industry,
I help aspiring artists understand themselves and develop their potential.As a Polymath I combine ideas from a broad set of disciplines. Topics like sociology and wellness in particular have given me a holistic perspective on project development, in both professional and hobby domains.• • •I firmly believe that aligning core values with your talents and personality is the best way you can do life. Why + What + How = the Way.
If you vibe with this ethic and the material you see here, let's meet!
🌳🏹🔥 Andrew Ferguson
• creative junkie •Ottawa, Canada (1.613.898.5766)
[email protected]
New Project Drops!

Book of Lands
(Tabletop Map Pack)
A loveletter to fantasy adventure maps in a cartooned styleTo those of us who spent our childhoods immersed in fantasy games and novels. This collection of fantasy maps spans ALL of my mapwork from 2018 to the present, though truthfully I've been drawing them since my first Zelda play at 7. Currently the bundle contains nearly 30 pieces formatted for print, and will continue to grow as I keep making more!👇 buy it on Gumroad

Fate of FalTera
(Tabletop RPG - beta)
Our world is falling apart and it's all DARK TYRANT's fault. Brave college grads embark on a quest to take him out and set things straight.A boardgamey combat-driven adventure that harkens back to a time lost in the glow of a CRT. FalTera packs the gems of our beloved classic jrpgs into a concise pen & paper package (and doesn't spare the cynicism of being an adult in post-pandemia).👇 PLAYTESTERS AND PROOFREADERS WANTED!
Featured Projects:

It's Dangerous to Go Alone
(Tabletop RPG)
Ganon's up to no good, and you've been chosen by the Goddesses to take him down. Gear up and call the crew - it's dangerous to go alone!Since 2017, I've been working with volunteers to craft a completely self-contained tabletop roleplaying game. The project taught me a TON of new skills and turned this simple hobby into a magnum opus.• Zelda Dungeon wrote an article about it
• Voted 2nd place in /r/ZeldaTabletop's Best Of 2020
• Bardic Inspiration podcast mention
• Join the Discord server👇 donate on Gumroad or download for free

Archetypes & Companions
(DTGA Expansion)
Notice something missing from a certain favourite fan tabletop RPG? Here it is!Players of It's Dangerous to Go Alone have given amazing feedback and some even homebrewed their own material. As is the Chaotic Good Games way, I've integrated the best of it into to the project in this brand new addition - completing the DTGA Triforce!👇 donate on Gumroad

Corruption of Ganon
(Adventure module)
A century after the Hero of Courage ended Ganon's tyrannical reign, there are stirrings of chaos and unrest that foretell his return...Based in The Legend of Zelda lore, this campaign is designed to be played with our Zelda fan RPG It's Dangerous to Go Alone. However, it's also possible to play with any popular RPG ruleset.• One-on-one with writer John Glasfeld👇 donate on Gumroad

Bare Bones
(Tabletop RPG)
Quirky minimalist collaborative game with amnesiac skeletonsBuilt specifically for on-the-fly one-shots, Bare Bones is a fun, loose, pen & paper RPG with simple dice rolls. It's rules-light but shenanigan-heavy - perfect for Halloween parties, pub nights, children, and newcomers.👇 buy it on Gumroad
Brave the Necropolis
(Dungeon Zine)
Across the Savage Sea and deep below the earth is a dungeon lost in time. Rumors say it's packed with sweet loot and protected by slain adventurers who have risen from their graves to ward off thieves.A short and brutal dungeon to be played with any tabletop roleplaying game. The encounters are quick and raw, featuring Kirby Rudolph's wild graffiti-inspired monsters and Andrew's crisp Kirby-inspired maps.👇 buy it on Gumroad
(pilot animatic)
Outlawed and declawed, a rogue ex-cop vows to protect and serve his city, even if it means breaking the laws he once upheldThis action-comedy Robin Hood story is completely self- produced. I'm learning a lot of practical (and impractical🔥) industry skills by building this from scratch!👇 watch the animatic, or follow me on Instagram
Do A Kickflip
(animated short)
Lofi Beats to Kick It WithA second collaboration with lofi producer Hewie Lou. He went above and beyond with his latest album "Mid 90s", so I pushed this short in the direction of a 90s skate video.• free wallpapers in my dropbox!👇 watch it on Youtube or listen on Spotify
Rooftop Lofi Beats
(animation teaser)
Robbie climbs to his favourite spot to appreciate the city lightsIn early 2023, I teamed up with local indie music maker Hewie Lou to produce this chill little video, which serves as a demo for both of us!• free wallpapers in my dropbox!👇 watch it on Youtube or listen on Spotify
The Street Magician
(Animated short)
A struggling street performer is caught stealing a quick snack and uses all his tricks to get away with it.Made for my Sheridan BAA thesis project, TSM is a humble homage to Charlie Chaplin with a whopping fistful of oldschool rubber hose shenanigans.👇 watch it on YouTube
(Minecraft mod)
Outfits for Minecraft armor connoisseursLet's face it, vanilla MC doesn't exactly feature a panoply of equipment options, so after a decade of settling for diamond we finally decided to invent more. This delicious mod adds thirteen sets of all-new gear, some with unique abilities that are ridiculously fun!👇 donate on Gumroad
• Tabletop RPG Actual Play •
👈 Pat McCallion of the Quest Junkies TTRPG podcast recruited me for a live two-shot where we play my very own Zelda fan game! Good luck explaining that to your parents, right?
• 2018 Animation Demo Reel •
👈 Having jumped from animation to character design, I assembled this best-of collection to celebrate the first chunk of my career.
• Super Smash Bros Melee, Reanimated •👈 A whole bunch of volunteers in the animation industry teamed up to make this for fun. I animated some stampeding Yoshis and Ness warping into town.
• Interview with ZeBirdBrain •👈 Toonboom wizard Marie-Ève and I met at Mercury back in 2019. She invited me to chat about character design for her Youtube special.

• Interview with José D. Luna •👈 Concept artist José Luna reached out to me for an interview in his series. My topic was the Pandemic, which was still fresh at the time of our conversation.